Robbie Dunton, Founder’s Award Recipient

Join us in honoring Robbie Dunton this August at the 2024 HAP® Conference.

Robbie Dunton, MS, MA
Executive Director, EMDR Institute of Francine Shapiro
Trauma Recovery/HAP Board Member


The Board of Directors is delighted to announce that Robbie will be receiving the first ever Founder’s Award from Trauma Recovery/HAP.

The Founder’s Award reflects passion for excellence and dedication in the advancement of EMDR training and research, as well as the development of EMDR therapy around the world.

This award highlights Robbie’s outstanding contributions to the proliferation of EMDR therapy, her demonstrated excellence in this field, and her enthusiasm for healing trauma, inspiring her peers and colleagues.

Trauma Recovery/HAP will present the Founder’s Award following Robbie’s keynote speech on Saturday, August 24th, as part of the HAP Conference program.

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