Message by the President
Dear all,
It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to EMDR Asia. It was an enriching experience to present the Fifth EMDR Asia Conference, themed “Building Hope with EMDR Therapy.” As the President of EMDR Asia, I am honored to witness the coming together of professionals, practitioners, and enthusiasts dedicated to advancing the transformative power of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy.
In our collective pursuit of mental health and well-being, EMDR Asia serves as a platform for sharing knowledge, fostering collaboration, and exploring innovative approaches in the field of EMDR therapy. The theme “Building Hope” reflects our commitment to instilling optimism, resilience, and healing through the effective application of EMDR therapy.
In the times to come, we would like to present a series of Standard and Specialty training in EMDR therapy approach across Asia in collaboration with the regional association. This would invite engaging discussions, enlightening presentations, and invaluable networking opportunities. As we delve into the various applications of EMDR therapy, let us inspire and empower one another to make a lasting impact on the lives of those we serve.
I am grateful for the dedication of every member of EMDR Asia to the advancement of EMDR therapy, and I look forward to the meaningful contributions and connections that will undoubtedly continue emerging.
Wishing you a fruitful and inspiring experience.
Dr. Tri Iswardani Sadatun
President, EMDR Asia

Brief Progress Note about EMDR Asia
EMDR Therapy in Asia is still in its evolutionary stage. Emerging EMDR Asia pays tribute to EMDR Institute &Trauma Recovery/HAP (USA), EMDR Europe, Trauma Aid Europe and HAP Europe (Europe).
Prior to the establishment of EMDR Asia, there has been a gradual progress of EMDR therapy in several of Asian countries organically as well as by design. We, in Asia, become one of the beneficiaries. Although initially the natural disaster brought EMDR assistance from USA and Europe to some parts of Asia, which subsequently generated interest among mental health professionals. Trainings, supervision, follow ups and interventions continued.
EMDR Asia was informally established in 2008, having its first conference in 2010 in Bali leading to the formation of EMDR Asia, EMDR therapy training began soon after its presence in the USA and Europe in the 1990s.
Enormous EMDR work during the natural disasters in Asia brought everyone together. Although EMDR has been associated with specific natural disasters in Asia, it is now becoming popular among mental health professionals for variety of clients. Psychotherapists have imbibed EMDR as a method within their existing practices.
Since the time of formation of EMDR Asia in 2010, the National EMDR Associations started interacting periodically and providing EMDR Therapy basic/standard trainings across Asia. The biggest challenge was lack of uniformity in the training curriculum, methodology and training contents. To overcome this challenge, training standards of the ‘EMDR Global Alliance’ were accepted by EMDR Asia board in 2014.
Due to lack of uniformity in educational standards in Asia, different levels of participants’ selection criteria were applied, therefore EMDR training too have had differential approaches. University departments, NGOs, Psychological Associations came together to organize EMDR therapy training and later to form EMDR Associations across Asia.
EMDR Asia has formed Training, Standards & Accreditation (TSA) Committee from 2017 to initiate a think tank for developing a possible roadmap ahead for bringing uniformity in EMDR Therapy Basic/Standard training. Now EMDR Asia has the guidelines for Trainers, facilitators and Consultants training which are similar to those of EMDR Institute and HAP, barring some adaptations to cultural requirements. The training guidelines have carefully drafted following EMDR Europe, EMDR Institute and Trauma Recovery/HAP procedures. Currently all EMDR Asia Trainings are using EMDR Institute most updated manual and teaching aids. TSA members are in constant touch with EMDR Institute and Trauma Recovery/HAP for the updates. EMDR Asia’s process for Accreditation is roughly equivalent to the standards meeting most International Certification practices.
All the trainings cover the information covered in the third edition of the Basic Principles, Protocols and Procedure of Dr. Francine Shapiro and the additional information and reference material recommended in the Appendices of the Manual.
National boundaries of selecting the participants for the training are followed by the training organizers. Trainers and Facilitators/ Consultants from the other National Organizations are invited for sharing and cross learning.
The Basic/Standard trainings in Asia are provided by the EMDR Associations, by the trainers accredited/certified by EMDR Asia. Private trainings by individual trainers as commercial trainings are not recognized and certified by National Associations and EMDR Asia so that we can maintain the quality and standards set up by EMDR Asia. There are mixed experiences of private trainers providing the training by non-certified trainers from outside Asia, some maintaining high standards and others of substandard qualities. Every Asian country does not have own EMDR trainers and trainers from other Asian Countries and frequently invited to conduct the local trainings and also to handhold for preparing new consultants and trainers.
During the lockdown and COVID restrictions several online Trainings have been organized and have witnessed the enriching experience of cross learning by participating in the trainings conducted by the National Organizations. Some trainings have had Trainers and Consultants doing their portions and part fulfilment of Trainers and Consultants training, including Supervision of Supervision during these online trainings.
Currently there are 19-member countries/ Special Administrative Regions in EMDR Asia (Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, (Mainland), Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, S. Korea, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam. Some countries don’t have the Associations, but in the process and may join as members soon (Bhutan, Maldives, Mauritius, Nepal), however, participants often join the training organized by any of the Asian countries.
– Dr. Sushma Mehrotra,
Founder President, EMDR Asia
- The announcement by Zynecore Global about two days online workshop on EMDR Therapy facilitated by Dr. Shyamkumar (Psy.D) is UNAPPROVED by EMDR Association, India and EMDR Asia.
- The announcement by UDEMY about its online courses for example, ‘The Complete EMDR Therapy Course- Accredited Certification’ created by Prof. Krishna N Sharma (Ph.D), and other similar UDEMY courses are UNAPPROVED by EMDR Association, India and EMDR Asia.
We do not recognize the aforementioned trainings, materials, or the modules claimed to be provided. Participants attending such trainings are not approved, recognized or accredited as per the standards by EMDR Asia and TR/HAP, USA.
We strongly recommend participants to look for authentic trainings recognized by EMDR ASIA.
Trainings organized by EMDR Asia are met with the highest standards and approved internationally with EMDR Institute and EMDR Trauma Recovery/ HAP(USA). We provide in depth training with rigorous post training consultation which ensures participants achieve excellence.