EMDR Association, India, 5th Annual Virtual Conference
EMDR Association, India organized its 5th Annual Conference that was held virtually on 17th & 18th March 2023. The theme for the conference was “EMDR: NAVIGATING THE CHALLENGES OF POST-PANDEMIC WORLD”. The Association flagged off the first day, 17th March 2023, with a workshop on EMDR And Group Psychotherapy by Dr. Andre Mauricio Monteiro. He introduced the participants to the concepts of collective AIP, interplay of individual phases and group phases, detailed description on every phase and how to execute it in group settings was very well covered. He also demonstrated how he used EMDR with a group through audio visual representation. The workshop was very insightful with guidance on practical applications of the model. The workshop was attended by 38 participants and was well applauded.
The next day 18Th March 31, 2023 started off with the Annual General Body Meeting. A brief inaugural program was conducted. Dr. Mrinalini Purandare Hon. President EMDR Association, India welcomed the delegates and highlighted the role of EMDR therapy in dealing with mental health challenges arising out of post pandemic situation. Dr. Tri Iswar Dani, Hon. President, EMDR Asia, delivered the inaugural address, where she complimented EMDR India for their contribution. She spoke on the role of Asian countries with their unique socio cultural concerns in tackling the challenges of post pandemic world. This followed by Panel Discussion on Grief, Addiction and Role of EMDR for Various age Groups; 2 Scientific Paper presentations; and 1 field research. The conference ended with a valedictory address by Dr. Rosalie Thomas and reflections by the participants.